Bapakku ingin nyusu lagi PART 18

May 23, 2024
21 mins read

Kulihat Lala kini keluar dari kamar dan melangkah mendekatiku, dan untungnya ibuk tadi sudah masuk kedalam kamarnya, dan aku yakin Lala tak mengetahui jika ibuk tadi diruang ini karena sewaktu Lala ngebuka pintu, ibuk sudah tak ada disini.

" Mau kemana La kok baru jam segini dah bangun " Ucapku sambil menonton tv, dan ini juga buat alasan biar Lala nggak nanyak nanyak kalo aku bangun jam segini dan untungnya juga ada siaran bola jadi kalo ditanya Lala bisa ngeles he he he.

" Mau pipis bang " Ucap Lala sambil melangkah menuju kekamar mandi, dan akupun melanjutkan melihat acara bola.
Setelah beberapa menit kulihat Lala sudah kembali dari kamar mandi dan menuju kearahku.

" Bang,.. boleh Lala nanyak " Ucap Lala sewaktu sudah didekatku dan inipun Lala tau tau duduk disebelahku, pake nempel lagi, ya kayak pasangan orang pacaran gitu ya lebih afdolnya pasangan suami istri gitu.

" Nanya apa La " Balasku sambil menatap wajah Lala yang cantik itu, dan Lala rupanya masih dalam keadaan ngantuk, buktinya saja masih merem merem.

" Ehm,.. apa Abang sudah punya pacar " Ucap Lala.

" Belum, emang kenapa La " Balasku yang kini pandanganku beralih ke tv.

" Gapapa Bang, ya sudah Lala tidur lagi ya Bang " Ucap Lala.

" Iya La " jawabku dan kulihat Lala kini sudah melangkah kekamar dan klek Lala pun masuk kekamar, sedangkan aku melanjutkan menonton bola.

Sudah hampir sejam aku menonton bola dan acara bola pun selesai. Mulanya aku ingin tidur, tapi aku keinget saat aku nanyak ke ibuk tadi ibuk belum njawab, ya daripada penasaran terus akhirnya aku ingin membangunkan ibuk dan menanyakannya. Kini kulangkahkan kakiku kekamar ibuk, setelah sudah didepan pintu mulanya aku ingin mengetok kamar ibuk, tapi kuurungkan niatku karena bila aku ngetok kamar ibuk takutnya Lala kebangun dan aku lebih memilih membuka pintu kamar ibuk langsung toh kamar ibuk dalam keadaan tak terkunci jadi aku bisa masuk. Dan ketika aku sudah berada didalam kamar ibuk kulihat bapak dan ibuk tidurnya berjauhan gitu, ya kayak bukan suami istri gitu, dan aku yang ngeliatnya jadi seneng dan kulihat ibuk nampak memakai daster panjang tapi aku belum tau apa ibuk make daleman atau tidak.

" Buk bangun buk " Ucapku sambil meremas payudara ibuk cukup kuat membuat ibuk menggeliatkan badannya dan ternyata ibuk memakai bh.

" Eh ayah ada apa yah " Ucap ibukku sambil memandangku.

" Ibuk jangan manggil ayah lagi ntar jadi kebiasaan ibuk , apalagi ada Lala lo buk " Ucapku sambil merabai selangkangan ibuk dengan menarik roknya sampe kepaha dan ternyata ibuk juga lagi memakai cd dan langsung aku lepas celana dalam ibuk.

" Eh lupa Wan, oh ya ada apa Wan, hem kok cawat ibuk dilepas mau ngewek ibuk ya, asiiiik " Ucap ibuk kegirangan sambil senyum senyum menggoda.

" Ibuk seneng ya di ewek sama anakmu ini ya " Ucapku sambil 2 jariku kumasukan kedalam tempek ibukku.

" he' em ibuk seneng Wan, ewek ibuk ya Wan, hari ini kamu belum ngewek ibuk lo Wan " Ucap ibukku, sementara 2 jariku kucabut dari liang vagina ibuk dan beralih kumasukan kedalam mulut ibukku.

" Dulu mulut ibuk ini suka judesin Wawan eh sekarang kok diobok obok anaknya diem aja to buk buk, marah gitu lo buk " Ucapku sambil mencabut 2 jariku didalam mulut ibukku.

" Mana berani ibuk marah sama kamu Wan " Ucap ibukku sambil kugandeng menuju ruang tv. dan kini aku serta ibukku sudah diruang tv dan kami pun duduk berdekatan tapi aku tak melakukan hal yang mesum ke ibuk, takut sewaktu waktu Lala tiba tiba keluar dari kamar.

" eh buk, apa Gino dah ngentu kamu buk " Ucapku sambil menyalakan tv kembali dengan volume yang pelan.

" Belum nak, ehm emang Gino apa mau ngentu ibuk Wan " Ucap ibuk.

" Wawan belum percaya, ehm ibuk berani Sumpah buk " Ucapku dan aku belum yakin akan jawaban ibuk tadi.

" Ibuk bersumpah Wan kalo ibuk belum dikentu sama Gino " Ucap ibuk sambil duduk dibawahku dan ibuk hendak nyium kakiku tapi segera kutahan ibuk lalu ku dudukan kembali disampingku.

" Wawan percaya kok buk, eh iya emang sih Gino pengen ngewek ibuk dan kenapa bulek tiba tiba pengen wawan kerja dibengkelnya ini semua akal akalannya Gino buk " Ucapku dan kini pandanganku beralih kepintu kamar Lala.

" Oh begitu, apa kemarin itu yang ngetuk pintu Gino ya Wan, soalnya ibuk tak tau itu Gino atau bukan karena ibuk males ngebuka pintu dan tak menemui yang ngetuk pintu itu Wan " Ucap ibukku membuatku tersentak. hem jadi kemarin Gino sudah kesini ternyata.

" La ibuk ngapain kok nggak nemuin tuh orang, trus apa pintunya ibuk kunci " tanyaku penasaran.

" Ibuk dikamar lagi tiduran, dan iya sih pintu depan ibuk kunci, semuanya ibuk kunci nak " Jawab ibuk membuatku jadi lega mendengarnya.

" Bagus itu buk, kalo tak ada Wawan maupun bapak kunci saja itu rumah buk " Ucapku dan ibukpun tiba tiba merebahkan kepalanya dipahaku otomatis pandanganku langsung tertuju dikamarnya Lala, dan kini aku selalu mengamati kamarnya Lala.

" Kaloupun ada apa apa ibuk bakal teriak kok nak jadi tenang saja nak " Ucap ibuk. hem benar juga yang dikatakan ibuk, klao ibuk teriak pasti para tetangga pada ngumpul dan nolong ibuk, apalagi rumahku cukup dekat sama rumahnya tetangga.

" Oh ya buk kalo ada Lala, ibuk judes dan kasar lagi ya ke Wawan " Ucapku dan tiba tiba tangan ibuk memegang tanganku lalu menaruh dikepalanya, dan aku tau ibuk ingin aku mengelus ngelus kepalanya jadi akupun mengelus ngelus kepalanya ibuk.

" Emoh ah, ibuk takut kualat Wan " Tolak ibuk.

" Buk ini biar Lala nggak curiga buk dan juga biar Lala cepat pulang kerumahnya buk, mau ya ibukku sayang " Rayuku sambil terus membelai rambut ibukku.

" Iya ibuk mau, tapi sebelumnya ibuk minta maaf lo jika ibuk judesin kamu, ngasarin kamu Wan " Ucap ibukku sambil tangannya nakal mengelusi kontolku dibalik celanaku.

" Iya gapapa buk, oh ya bilangin bapak ya biar bersikap seperti semula, tapi bapak tetap jadi mertua ibuk, paham ibukku sayang '' Ucapku.

" Ya ibuk paham Wan "

" Dah ibuk balik kekamar gih, takut Lala kebangun lagi buk " Ucapku sambil mendudukan ibukku.

" Ibuk kekamar ya Wan " Pamit ibuk sambil salim kepadaku dan aku melihat tingkah ibuk hanya bisa menggeleng kepala saja, dan aku tak menyangka jika ibuk yang dulu suka judes, suka kasar padaku kini menjadi sangat patuh kepadaku malahan kepatuhan ibukku melebihi apapun, bahkan kepatuhan budak ke tuannya masih dikalahkan kepatuhannya ibuk kepadaku, benar benar beruntung nasibku ini.

Setelah ibuk masuk kamar, akupun mencoba memejamkan mataku sambil berpikir bagaimana caranya memberi pelajaran ke Gino. lama sudah pikiranku melayang layang mencari cara, hingga tak terasa kantukku datang, lalu perlahan lahan mataku terpejam dikeheningan malam.

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All you need to do is download the app from the App Store or Google Play, sign in using your Bank of America online banking credentials, and navigate to the credit card section of the app. From there, select the "Pay Bill" option and follow the prompts to complete your payment. If you prefer to make a payment by phone, you can call Bank of America's customer service line and follow the prompts to make a payment. You'll need to have your credit card number and personal identification number (PIN) on hand to complete the payment. One of the benefits of using Bank of America credit card phone payment is the convenience it offers. You can make a payment at any time, from anywhere, as long as you have your mobile device with you. This is especially useful if you're on the go and don't have access to a computer or a physical Bank of America branch. Another benefit of using the Bank of America mobile app to make a payment is the ability to view your credit card account information and transaction history in real-time. This means you can keep track of your spending and ensure that your payment is processed correctly. In addition to the convenience and real-time information offered by Bank of America credit card phone payment, the service is also secure. Bank of America uses advanced security measures to protect its customers' personal and financial information. This includes encryption, multi-factor authentication, and fraud monitoring. Bank of America also offers automatic payment options for customers who want to ensure their credit card payment is made on time each month. With this service, you can set up a recurring payment to be made on a specific date each month. This is a great option for customers who are busy or who may forget to make a payment on time. To set up automatic payments, simply log in to your Bank of America account and navigate to the credit card section of the app. From there, select the "AutoPay" option and follow the prompts to set up your payment preferences. In conclusion, Bank of America credit card phone payment is a convenient, secure, and easy way for customers to make payments towards their credit card account using their mobile device. Whether you prefer to use the Bank of America mobile app or call the customer service line, the process is quick and easy. Plus, with the ability to view your account information and set up automatic payments, Bank of America credit card phone payment is a great option for anyone looking to simplify their financial management. Using the Bank of America Mobile App The Bank of America mobile app is a convenient way to make payments on your credit card account from your mobile device. Here's how to do it: Download the Bank of America mobile app from the App Store or Google Play. Sign in to your account using your Bank of America online banking credentials. If you haven't enrolled in online banking yet, you can do so by following the prompts on the app. Once you're signed in, navigate to the credit card section of the app. This will allow you to view your credit card account information and make payments. Select the "Pay Bill" option and enter the amount you want to pay. Choose your payment method. You can use your Bank of America checking or savings account, or you can use another bank account or debit card to make a payment. Enter the payment details, such as the account and routing numbers or the debit card information, and follow the prompts to complete the payment. Using the Bank of America Customer Service Line If you prefer to make payments over the phone, you can call the Bank of America customer service line to make a payment on your credit card account. Here's how to do it: Dial the customer service line at 1-800-732-9194. Follow the prompts to navigate to the credit card section. Enter your credit card number and personal identification number (PIN). Select the "Make a Payment" option and enter the amount you want to pay. Choose your payment method, such as a bank account or debit card. Enter the payment details and follow the prompts to complete the payment. Automatic Payments If you want to make sure your payments are always made on time, you can set up automatic payments for your Bank of America credit card account. Here's how to do it: Log in to your Bank of America account on the mobile app or online. Navigate to the credit card section of the app or website. Select the "AutoPay" option. Choose your payment amount and the date you want the payment to be made each month. Enter your payment details, such as the account and routing numbers or the debit card information. Confirm your preferences and submit your request. Benefits of Bank of America Credit Card Phone Payments There are several benefits to using Bank of America credit card phone payments. One of the most significant benefits is convenience. You can make payments at any time, from anywhere, using your mobile device. This is especially useful if you're on the go and don't have access to a computer or a physical Bank of America branch. Another benefit is the ability to view your credit card account information and transaction history in real-time. This means you can keep track of your spending and ensure that your payment is processed correctly. Bank of America also offers automatic payment options for customers who want to ensure their credit card payment is made on time each month. With this service, you can set up a recurring payment to be made on a specific date each month. This is a great option for customers who are busy or who may forget to make a payment on time. In conclusion, Bank of America credit card phone payments are a convenient, secure, and easy way for customers to make payments towards their credit card account using their mobile device. Whether you prefer to use the Bank of America mobile app or