May 26, 2024
17 mins read

Mata Ibu terus merem melek, mulutnya yang kecil mendesah, makin lama desahan Ibu semakin keras, dan kedua tangan Ibu mencengkeram bahuku, rupanya Ibu hampir mencapai puncak kenikmatannya. Aku semakin mempercepat gerakanku, dan Ibu pun mempercepat goyangan pantatnya, Dan saat Ibu mencapai orgasmenya, tubuhnya menegang dan tempenya kurasakan semakin basah. Aku lalu berhenti bergerak dan memeluk tubuh mulus Ibu untuk memberinya kesempatan menikmati orgasmenya. Aku kemudian mengangkat tubuh Ibuku dari meja sementara jalan tolku masih menempel di kemaluan Ibuku, Kududukkan tubuh Ibuku di kursi, dan kembali aku memajukan dan memundurkan pantatku, Ibu yang sudah lemas, pasrah dengan aksiku. Tubuhnya terguncang-guncang menerima gerakanku yang cepat, tangan Ibu melingkar di pinggangku dan ikut memajukan badanku saat kuhunjamkan jalan tolku kedalam tempe Ibuku, posisi ini tak juga membuatku mencapai puncak kenikmatan, padahal Ibu sudah kelihatan capek dan sedikit mengimbangi dengan goyangan pantatnya. Download dan Nonton Bokep Terbaru
Aku lalu melepas jalan tolku dari tempe Ibuku dan berdiri, aku menyuruh Ibuku menungging di lantai, Ibu menurut dan turun ke lantai dengan posisi menungging, Ibu tentu menyangka aku mau memasukkan jalan tolku ke tempenya dari belakang, tapi bukan itu maksudku, aku ikut menungging dan mulutku menjilati anus Ibu, sesekali Ibu jariku menusuk anusnya agar lubangnya membesar, Ibu tentu saja kaget dengan kelakuanku, “Ryan.. jangan, jangan dari anus ..”, Ibu menoleh ke arahku dan memohon, “itu sakit sekali..” Aku cuman tersenyum kecil dan terus menjilati anus Ibuku sampai basah. Setelah kurasa cukup, kedua tanganku memegangi pantat Ibu dan melebarkannya sehingga lubang anus Ibu kelihatan. Saat kepala jalan tolku mencoba masuk, Ibu menjerit kecil dan terjatuh, Posisi tubuhnya kini menelungkup, aku terus berusaha melebarkan lubang anus Ibuku agar dapat cukup dimasuki jalan tolku, Ibu semakin menjerit tertahan, begitu batang jalan tolku masuk kedalam lubang anus Ibu, dan saat jalan tolku masuk seluruhnya kedalam lubang anus Ibuku, Ibu mencengkeram kaki kursi kuat-kuat.
Lubang anus Ibuku yang seret membuat jalan tolku susah payah untuk bisa masuk keluar, Tapi hal itu malah membuatku semakin merasakan kenikmatan yang tiada tara, sementara Ibu hanya bisa menahan sakit dan perih di sekitar anusnya, kenikmatan mengesoti anus Ibu membuat ku cepat mencapai ejakulasi, begitu aku merasakan air maniku mau keluar aku segera melepas jalan tolku dari anus Ibu, tubuhnya dengan cepat kubalikkan sehingga posisi Ibu terlentang, Dan belum sempat Ibu mencegah aku sudah menghujamkan jalan tolku kedalam lubang kemaluan Ibu dan berejakulasi dengan kepuasan yang tiada tara, seluruh batang jalan tolku kubenamkan dalam-dalam dan memuncratkan cairan panas yang banyak kedalam lubang vagina Ibu, Aku tergeletak disamping tubuh Ibuku yang penuh keringat dan masih sedikit kesakitan akibat anusnya yang kutembus tadi, “Ryan.. kenapa kamu keluarkan didalam..? Dan kamu masuk.. dari anus lagi..” Aku cuman tersenyum dan mencium bibir Ibu dengan lembut, “Nggak ‘pa-‘pa kan? Anus Ibu juga entar lama-lama dapat nikmat seperti tempe Ibu kok.. udah ah Ryan capek mau mandi, Kapan-kapan kita bercinta lagi OK, Ibu tersayang?” Aku bangkit dan meraih pakaianku dan menuju kamarku untuk mandi sementara Ibu masih tidur terlentang di lantai dapur.
Semenjak aku bebas untuk bercinta dengan Ibuku sendiri, Ibu tidak menolak kalau kuajak bercinta di mana saja, dan dari Ibu baru kuketahui kalau ayah terkena penyakit impotensi sehingga tidak mampu bercinta dengan Ibu semenjak dua bulan yang lalu, dan aku satu-satunya orang yang bercinta dengan Ibu setelah ayah tak mampu lagi bercinta. Setiap hari kami bebas untuk bercinta karena di rumah sangat sepi, bahkan kalau malam, aku sering meminta Ibu datang ke kamarku untuk melayaniku, Ibu yang memang masih bergairah tak pernah menolakku, dan Ibu termasuk wanita dengan gairah sex yang besar. Pernah saat aku mandi, Ibu tiba-tiba masuk kedalam dan langsung mengajakku bercinta padahal saat itu ayah dan Mbak Mona lagi nonton TV di ruang tengah dengan ditemani keluarga adik ayahku, atau saat aku menemani Ibu belanja di supermaket, dan saat pulang tanpa disangka Ibu mengajakku bercinta di mobil saat berada di garasi, padahal aku takut ayah tiba-tiba muncul atau Mbak Mona karena mendengar mobil masuk garasi.
Tak heran satu setengah bulan kemudian Ibu positif hamil, tapi anehnya Ibu tidak menggugurkan kandungannya itu, dan saat ayah mengetahui hal itu, beliau marah besar dan menceraikan Ibu karena Ibu tidak mau mengatakan siapa yang menghamilinya. Selepas ayah pergi dari rumah aku semakin bebas bercinta dengan Ibuku, apalagi Mbak Mona kadang-kadang semakin sering pergi bermain, keadaan Ibu yang sedang hamil tak menghalangi nafsu kami untuk tetap bercinta, aku bahkan semakin bergairah bercinta dengan Ibu saat perutnya semakin besar, dan tak habis-habisnya tempe dan anus Ibu menjadi sasaran jalan tolku, hanya saja begitu kehamilan Ibu mencapai 7 bulan, aku dan Ibu lebih banyak beroral sex untuk mencegah sesuatu yang fatal bagi bayi kami.
Aku benar-benar tak dapat membayangkan saat Ibu melahirkan karena aku yang dulu dilahirkan oleh Ibu kini punya anak yang juga dilahirkan oleh wanita yang sama dengan yang melahirkanku, dan anak laki-laki yang kuberi nama Aldo itu tumbuh sehat seperti anak lainnya, dibawah bimbinganku dan Ibuku. Mbak Mona sendiri selepas SMA pergi ke Yogyakarta untuk melanjutkan kuliah, sehingga keadaan ini membuatku dan Ibu seperti sepasang suami istri di rumah,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, TAMAT

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bank of america credit card phone payment Bank of America credit card phone payment is one of the largest financial institutions in the United States, serving millions of customers across the country. One of the key services that Bank of America offers its credit card customers is the ability to make payments using their mobile device. In this article, we'll take a closer look at Bank of America credit card phone payment and discuss its benefits and features. Making a payment on your Bank of America credit card using your mobile device is a quick and easy process. There are two ways to do this: through the Bank of America mobile app, or by calling Bank of America's customer service line. Using the Bank of America mobile app to make a payment is simple. All you need to do is download the app from the App Store or Google Play, sign in using your Bank of America online banking credentials, and navigate to the credit card section of the app. From there, select the "Pay Bill" option and follow the prompts to complete your payment. If you prefer to make a payment by phone, you can call Bank of America's customer service line and follow the prompts to make a payment. You'll need to have your credit card number and personal identification number (PIN) on hand to complete the payment. One of the benefits of using Bank of America credit card phone payment is the convenience it offers. You can make a payment at any time, from anywhere, as long as you have your mobile device with you. This is especially useful if you're on the go and don't have access to a computer or a physical Bank of America branch. Another benefit of using the Bank of America mobile app to make a payment is the ability to view your credit card account information and transaction history in real-time. This means you can keep track of your spending and ensure that your payment is processed correctly. In addition to the convenience and real-time information offered by Bank of America credit card phone payment, the service is also secure. Bank of America uses advanced security measures to protect its customers' personal and financial information. This includes encryption, multi-factor authentication, and fraud monitoring. Bank of America also offers automatic payment options for customers who want to ensure their credit card payment is made on time each month. With this service, you can set up a recurring payment to be made on a specific date each month. This is a great option for customers who are busy or who may forget to make a payment on time. To set up automatic payments, simply log in to your Bank of America account and navigate to the credit card section of the app. From there, select the "AutoPay" option and follow the prompts to set up your payment preferences. In conclusion, Bank of America credit card phone payment is a convenient, secure, and easy way for customers to make payments towards their credit card account using their mobile device. Whether you prefer to use the Bank of America mobile app or call the customer service line, the process is quick and easy. Plus, with the ability to view your account information and set up automatic payments, Bank of America credit card phone payment is a great option for anyone looking to simplify their financial management. Using the Bank of America Mobile App The Bank of America mobile app is a convenient way to make payments on your credit card account from your mobile device. Here's how to do it: Download the Bank of America mobile app from the App Store or Google Play. Sign in to your account using your Bank of America online banking credentials. If you haven't enrolled in online banking yet, you can do so by following the prompts on the app. Once you're signed in, navigate to the credit card section of the app. This will allow you to view your credit card account information and make payments. Select the "Pay Bill" option and enter the amount you want to pay. Choose your payment method. You can use your Bank of America checking or savings account, or you can use another bank account or debit card to make a payment. Enter the payment details, such as the account and routing numbers or the debit card information, and follow the prompts to complete the payment. Using the Bank of America Customer Service Line If you prefer to make payments over the phone, you can call the Bank of America customer service line to make a payment on your credit card account. Here's how to do it: Dial the customer service line at 1-800-732-9194. Follow the prompts to navigate to the credit card section. Enter your credit card number and personal identification number (PIN). Select the "Make a Payment" option and enter the amount you want to pay. Choose your payment method, such as a bank account or debit card. Enter the payment details and follow the prompts to complete the payment. Automatic Payments If you want to make sure your payments are always made on time, you can set up automatic payments for your Bank of America credit card account. Here's how to do it: Log in to your Bank of America account on the mobile app or online. Navigate to the credit card section of the app or website. Select the "AutoPay" option. Choose your payment amount and the date you want the payment to be made each month. Enter your payment details, such as the account and routing numbers or the debit card information. Confirm your preferences and submit your request. Benefits of Bank of America Credit Card Phone Payments There are several benefits to using Bank of America credit card phone payments. One of the most significant benefits is convenience. You can make payments at any time, from anywhere, using your mobile device. This is especially useful if you're on the go and don't have access to a computer or a physical Bank of America branch. Another benefit is the ability to view your credit card account information and transaction history in real-time. This means you can keep track of your spending and ensure that your payment is processed correctly. Bank of America also offers automatic payment options for customers who want to ensure their credit card payment is made on time each month. With this service, you can set up a recurring payment to be made on a specific date each month. This is a great option for customers who are busy or who may forget to make a payment on time. In conclusion, Bank of America credit card phone payments are a convenient, secure, and easy way for customers to make payments towards their credit card account using their mobile device. Whether you prefer to use the Bank of America mobile app or