May 26, 2024
18 mins read

kisah cerita panas ini kulakukan dengan ibuku sendiri sampai kami mempunyai 3 anak dari hasil hubungan sedarah ini dengan judul “ Aku Ngentot Dengan Ibuku Sampai Hamil Dan Menghasilkan 3 Orang Anak ” yang membikin libido meningkat dan bisa menciptakan rangsangan birahi seks, selamat membaca.

Cerita Sex – Namaku Roni anak pertama dari dua bersaudara dan belum menikah. Usiaku saat ini adalah 25 tahun, ayahku seorang pensiunan masinis berusia 57 tahun dan ibuku saat ini usianya 35 tahun.Ibuku menikah di usia 14 tahun dan ayahku 31 tahun, didalam adat madura usia ibuku pada waktu itu sudah saatnya menikah dan beliau dijodohkan dengan ayahku anak tuan tanah didesanya. Walaupun usia ibuku sudah tidak muda lagi, beliau masih kelihatan seperti usia 17 tahunan, orang pasti tidak akan percaya bahwa diusia seperti itu ibuku masih memiliki body yang aduhai, tinggi ibuku kurang lebih 167 cm, berat kurang lebih 65 kg, payudara ukuran 38c dan kulit kuning langsat.

Sebenarnya aku tidak mempunyai niat untuk menggauli ibuku dan bahkan menjalin asmara dengan beliau. Waktu itu aku masih kelas 3 SMP dan pada saat itu aku pulang lebih awal karena ada ujian EBTA, aku melihat rumah dalam keadaan sepi, kebetulan saat itu aku ingin sekali kencing dan langsung nyelonong masuk kekamar mandi dan kebetulan kamar mandi tidak terkunci dan langsung kuloloskan celanaku plus CD-ku dan mengeluarkan kemaluanku, ternyata tanpa diduga ibuku berada didalam dengan keadaan bugil. Beliau terkejut melihatku dalam kondisi seperti itu dan beliau berkata.

“Aaaaakhhhh…Roni, mau apa kamu ?
“Oh ma’af bu…aku tidak sengaja, aku kebelet bu…!” kataku membela diri.
Kalau begitu cepet kencingnya dan lekas keluar dari sini!
Sambil kencing, kulirik ibuku yang bugil, kelihatan dengan jelas kedua payudaranya yang padat dan mengkal tak seberapa besara tapi indah, terlihat juga olehku bukit yang penuh semak belukar itu begitu indah dan itu membuat burungku berdiri perlahan-lahan dengan kokohnya. dan aku melihat ibu sepertinya terpesona dengan keadaanku…

“Kalau sudah sana keluar…”
Aku yang sudah konak sejak melihat keadaan ibu, langsung saja aku mendekati ibu…
“Roni…mau apa kamu…aku ini ibumu..”
Aku yang sudah kerasukan setan tak memperdulikan perkataannya.
“Ibu cantik…,aku sayang kamu ibu…!” sambil kuciumi ibuku dengan penuh nafsu.
“Roni…jangan nak…aku ini ibumu…ingaaaat nak” kata ibu memelas seraya berontak atas ulahku.
Aku tak menyerah kemudian kuciumi bibirnya, kemudian turun ke lehernya serta merta kuremas kedua bukit kembarnya dan kujilati kupingnya, dan rupanya itulah kelemahan ibuku.

“Sssssttt…aaaaakhhhhh…” desis ibuku dan beliau melemahkan berontakannya, rupanya beliau menikmati rangsangan yang aku berikan. Dan ibu membalasnya dengan lebih agresif, tangannya mencari rudalku dan beliau terpekik…terpesona..”be…saaar… sekali punyamu…sayang..sssstttt…akhhhh..” Penisku berukuran 18 cm diameter 4cm. Aku yang sudah terangsang terus melakukan serangan mulai dari dadanya kemudian turun ke perut dan kemudian aku menemukan sebuah bukit kecil yang ditumbuhi bulu-bulu lebat yang menutupi lubang kanikmatan itu, aku julurkan lidahku sambil menjilatinya dan ibu lagi-lagi mendesis kenikmatan.

“aaaahhhhh…ooooohhh…yes…teruskan anakku…jangan kau hentikan…aaakhhhh…” rintihnya sambil pinggulnya mendongkak keatas dan mengakibatkan vaginanya basah dan dibanjiri cairan kental, rupanya ibuku telah mencapai puncaknya untuk pertama kali. filmbokepjepang.net Aku kemudian bangun dan menyuruh ibu untuk jongkok, aku menyuruhnya untuk mengulum penisku, sambil tangannya mengocok-ngocok penisku dan rupanya dia hebat sekali dalam urusan yang beginian.
“aaaaakhhhh…eeemmmm…yes…teruskan uuuuuuu… mmmmmm… niiiikkkmaaaat… ooooohhhhhh… ” saking lihanya ibuku mengulum penisku… hampir saja aku orgasme, tapi itu dapat aku tahan, dengan mengubah posisi. ibuku kusuruh telentang dilantai kamar mandi,aku rentangkan paha ibuku lalu kuarahkan penisku didepan vaginanya yang sudah kelihatan becek, sebelumnya aku gesek-gesekkan tepat di klitorisnya…dia mendesis.

“aaahhhh…sssst…cepaaaattthhh…masukkan sayang ibu sudah tidak tahaaaaannnnn…mmmm”
Kasihan aku melihatnya tersiksa seperti itu, kemudian pelan-pelan kumasukkan penisku, tapi dasar sial susah sekali masuknya, hebat sekali vaginanya walaupun sudah mempunyai anak ibu tetap bisa memelihara barangnya, dengan keyakinan penuh dan rasa percaya diri yang tinggi pelan tapi pasti akhirnya penisku masuk juga kedalam vagina dimana gua dulu nongol kedunia…

“Bleeesssss… aaaahhhh…” pekik ibuku (entah kesakitan atau kenikmatan yang dia rasakan)
“Sakit bu…?” tanyaku yang dijawab ibu dengan gelengan kepala. Pelan dan pasti kuatur irama dan mulai aku maju mundurkan pantatku…
“ssssstttt…eeemmmm…yahhhh…nikkkkmaatttt…te ruskan jangan kau hentikan anakku…”
“Ukkhhhhh…enak sekali vaginamu…buuuuuu” tak lama selang 10 menit berlalu ibuku mencapai orgasmenya yang kedua kalinya.

“aaaaaaahhhhh…ibuuuuu…keluaaaarrrr…akkkhhhhh ” pekik ibu sambil pantatnya diangkat keatas dan kurasakan vaginanya menyemprotkan air hangat dan sedut-sedut kurasakan dalam penisku.
“buu..coba ibu menungging sambil berpegangan di bak mandi dan kaki ibu diangkat satu diatas closet” perintahku dan ibu menurutinya. Dengan posisi nungging kumasukkan penisku kembali kevaginanya…dan…”Bleesss” Aku pompa pantatku dengan irama yang teratur dan ternyata ibuku lebih cepat mencapai orgasmenya..”…aaaahhhh…ibuuu..keluar lagiiii…akhhhhh” dengan posisi ini ibuku mencapai orgasme lebih dari sepuluh kali. Setelah sejam berlalu kurasakan aku akan mengalamai orgasme…

“oooohhhh…buuuuu…akuuu..sampaiii…buuuu…dik eluarkan dimana buuuu…” ibu yang kelihatan sangat keletihan tak menjawab pertanyaanku. Aku makin mempercepat iramaku dan akhirnya..kusemprotkan spermaku kedalam rahim ibuku.

“aaaaahhhhh…ssstttt…eeemmmmmmm…oaaahhh..nikm attt” pekikku.
Setelah lima menit berlalu ibuku mulai tersadar dari kelelahannya beliau terpekik…
“aaahh..Roni…kau keluarkan didalam ya..?..ibu tidak memakai kontrasepsi…kalau ibu hamil giamana..?”
Ibu tak usah khawatir…kalau hamil Roni minta ibu jangan menggugurkannya,langsung saja ibu bersebadan denagan ayah sesudah denganku. Roni ingin mempunyai anak dari ibu”
“tidak..Roni..itu ide gila..” kata ibuku tak setuju.
“Kalau ibu tak mau..maka akan aku adukan perbuatan kita kepada ayah” ancamku.
“jangan Roni…baiklah..kalu itu kehendakmu”
“Bagaimana permainanku tadi buuu…?”
“hebat kamu, ayahmu saja baru lima menit sudah keluar dan ibu belum apa-apa”.

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bank of america credit card phone payment Bank of America credit card phone payment is one of the largest financial institutions in the United States, serving millions of customers across the country. One of the key services that Bank of America offers its credit card customers is the ability to make payments using their mobile device. In this article, we'll take a closer look at Bank of America credit card phone payment and discuss its benefits and features. Making a payment on your Bank of America credit card using your mobile device is a quick and easy process. There are two ways to do this: through the Bank of America mobile app, or by calling Bank of America's customer service line. Using the Bank of America mobile app to make a payment is simple. All you need to do is download the app from the App Store or Google Play, sign in using your Bank of America online banking credentials, and navigate to the credit card section of the app. From there, select the "Pay Bill" option and follow the prompts to complete your payment. If you prefer to make a payment by phone, you can call Bank of America's customer service line and follow the prompts to make a payment. You'll need to have your credit card number and personal identification number (PIN) on hand to complete the payment. One of the benefits of using Bank of America credit card phone payment is the convenience it offers. You can make a payment at any time, from anywhere, as long as you have your mobile device with you. This is especially useful if you're on the go and don't have access to a computer or a physical Bank of America branch. Another benefit of using the Bank of America mobile app to make a payment is the ability to view your credit card account information and transaction history in real-time. This means you can keep track of your spending and ensure that your payment is processed correctly. In addition to the convenience and real-time information offered by Bank of America credit card phone payment, the service is also secure. Bank of America uses advanced security measures to protect its customers' personal and financial information. This includes encryption, multi-factor authentication, and fraud monitoring. Bank of America also offers automatic payment options for customers who want to ensure their credit card payment is made on time each month. With this service, you can set up a recurring payment to be made on a specific date each month. This is a great option for customers who are busy or who may forget to make a payment on time. To set up automatic payments, simply log in to your Bank of America account and navigate to the credit card section of the app. From there, select the "AutoPay" option and follow the prompts to set up your payment preferences. In conclusion, Bank of America credit card phone payment is a convenient, secure, and easy way for customers to make payments towards their credit card account using their mobile device. Whether you prefer to use the Bank of America mobile app or call the customer service line, the process is quick and easy. Plus, with the ability to view your account information and set up automatic payments, Bank of America credit card phone payment is a great option for anyone looking to simplify their financial management. Using the Bank of America Mobile App The Bank of America mobile app is a convenient way to make payments on your credit card account from your mobile device. Here's how to do it: Download the Bank of America mobile app from the App Store or Google Play. Sign in to your account using your Bank of America online banking credentials. If you haven't enrolled in online banking yet, you can do so by following the prompts on the app. Once you're signed in, navigate to the credit card section of the app. This will allow you to view your credit card account information and make payments. Select the "Pay Bill" option and enter the amount you want to pay. Choose your payment method. You can use your Bank of America checking or savings account, or you can use another bank account or debit card to make a payment. Enter the payment details, such as the account and routing numbers or the debit card information, and follow the prompts to complete the payment. Using the Bank of America Customer Service Line If you prefer to make payments over the phone, you can call the Bank of America customer service line to make a payment on your credit card account. Here's how to do it: Dial the customer service line at 1-800-732-9194. Follow the prompts to navigate to the credit card section. Enter your credit card number and personal identification number (PIN). Select the "Make a Payment" option and enter the amount you want to pay. Choose your payment method, such as a bank account or debit card. Enter the payment details and follow the prompts to complete the payment. Automatic Payments If you want to make sure your payments are always made on time, you can set up automatic payments for your Bank of America credit card account. Here's how to do it: Log in to your Bank of America account on the mobile app or online. Navigate to the credit card section of the app or website. Select the "AutoPay" option. Choose your payment amount and the date you want the payment to be made each month. Enter your payment details, such as the account and routing numbers or the debit card information. Confirm your preferences and submit your request. Benefits of Bank of America Credit Card Phone Payments There are several benefits to using Bank of America credit card phone payments. One of the most significant benefits is convenience. You can make payments at any time, from anywhere, using your mobile device. This is especially useful if you're on the go and don't have access to a computer or a physical Bank of America branch. Another benefit is the ability to view your credit card account information and transaction history in real-time. This means you can keep track of your spending and ensure that your payment is processed correctly. Bank of America also offers automatic payment options for customers who want to ensure their credit card payment is made on time each month. With this service, you can set up a recurring payment to be made on a specific date each month. This is a great option for customers who are busy or who may forget to make a payment on time. In conclusion, Bank of America credit card phone payments are a convenient, secure, and easy way for customers to make payments towards their credit card account using their mobile device. Whether you prefer to use the Bank of America mobile app or