May 25, 2024
20 mins read

Sinta pulang kerja, langsung menunggu Papanya di mall. Mula-mula mereka mampir ngobrol di Sta*b**ks sambil minum kopi. Sekitar satu jam mereka duduk di Sta*b**ks, Sinta menggandeng tangan Papanya dengan mesra menyusuri perkotoan yang berada di sepanjang mall. Sekali-sekali Hermanto merangkul pundak Sinta. Mereka benar-benar bukan seperti ayah dengan anak.

Sinta tidak takut bermesra-mesraan dengan Papanya di mall karena sejak ia bekerja di mall itu dari sebelum ia menikah sampai sekarang, ia belum pernah bertemu tetangganya bertandang ke mall tersebut dan teman-teman sekolahnya pun hanya satu atau dua yang pernah ia jumpai.

"Ehh~~~ Ta, kita mampir ke toko perhiasan lihat-lihat sebentar yuk~~~" ajak Hermanto bertemu dengan sasaran yang hendak dicarinya.

"Papah mau beli apa?"

"Nggak apa-apa, Papah hanya pengen lihat saja."

Ternyata sesampai di toko perhiasan itu, Sinta tertarik pada sebentuk cincin. Harganya sih untuk kantong Hermanto termasuk murah, sekitar 4 jutaan rupiah, tapi kalau ia berhasil menjebloskan penisnya ke vagina Sinta harganya lebih mahal dari cincin itu, batin Hermanto. Itulah tujuannya ia mengajak Sinta ke toko perhiasan.

Hermanto membiarkan Sinta melihat-lihat cincin itu dan mencoba di jari manisnya, lalu cincin itu oleh Sinta dikembalikan pada pemilik toko. "Terima kasih ya Koh, kita hanya pengen tau harganya aja dulu, nanti kita balik lagi ke sini kalau kita sudah setuju," kata Sinta.

"Oh iya, nggak apa-apa," jawab si engkoh penjaga toko memasukkan kembali cincin tersebut ke etalase tokonya.

Keluar dari toko perhiasan, Sinta mengajak Papanya makan. "Kita janjian dulu ya Pah, aku yang bayar ya," kata Sinta pada Hermanto.

Setelah memesan makanan dan minuman, Hermanto minta izin dengan Sinta mau pergi ke toilet. Tetapi sekeluar dari restoran, Hermanto tidak pergi ke toilet, melainkan kembali ke toko perhiasan.

"Itu tadi anak Bapak ya, Pak?" tanya si engkoh.

"Iya, sudah menikah tapi cerai. Baru sekitar 4 bulanan ini pisah dengan suaminya." jawab Hermanto jujur.

"Sudah punya anak, Pak?"

"Justru belum, kalau sudah, wahh~~~ repot." jawab Hermanto.

"Justru saya terbalik, Pak. Istri saya meninggal, karena kanker."

Ngomong punya ngomong, si engkoh ngajak Hermanto tukar nomor telepon, karena kata si engkoh yang sudah duda punya anak satu ini, ia suka dengan Sinta, sehingga harga cincin 4 juta rupiah, turun 50 persen menjadi 2 juta rupiah saja, sedangkan 2 juta rupiah lagi si engkoh hadiahkan untuk Sinta.

Kembali ke restoran, Hermanto jadi gelisah saat makan bersama Sinta. Hermanto gelisah bukan karena si engkoh pemilik toko perhiasan itu tertarik dengan Sinta, melainkan cincin yang ada di kantong celananya itu.

Hampir jam 11 malam Hermanto dan Sinta tiba di rumah. Hermanto tidak mau menurunkan barang belanjaannya dari mobil, biar besok saja karena tidak ada barang yang bisa busuk. Setelah menutup pintu rumah dan gordeng jendela, Hermanto melepaskan pakaiannya di ruang tengah, begitu juga dengan Sinta.

Bapak dan anak itu sudah tidak tahu malu lagi. Buat apa malu? Air mani Hermanto sudah entah berapa kali dikocok keluar oleh Sinta dan masuk ke mulut Sinta juga sudah pernah. Sedangkan Sinta, payudaranya dan vaginanya juga bukan barang yang harus dipertahankan lagi, karena sewaktu ia dulu pacaran payudara dan vaginanya sudah sering digerayangi oleh tangan pacar-pacarnya, terkecuali lubang vaginanya yang masih ia jaga dan pertahankan. Hanya penis Bahtiar sebagai suaminya yang sudah pernah masuk ke lubang vagina Sinta, laki-laki lain belum ada yang berhasil memasukkannya.


-- ooo0ooo --​

"Sayang, ke sini sebentar~~~" panggil Hermanto sewaktu Sinta mau pergi ke kamar mandi.

Sinta menghampiri Hermanto yang sedang duduk di sofa dengan telanjang. "Duduk," suruh Hermanto.

Sinta baru saja meletakkan pantatnya yang terbungkus celana dalam mini itu di permukaan sofa, matanya langsung terbelalak ketika ia melihat kotak kecil berwarna merah yang dikeluarkan oleh Hermanto dari kantong celana panjangnya.

"Untuk aku, Papah~~~??" teriak Sinta membelah kesunyian malam yang hening di tengah malam itu.

"Ya, hadiah untuk kamu." jawab Hermanto menyodorkan kotak merah yang dipegangnya pada Sinta.

Sinta bukannya menerima kotak pemberian Hermanto, melainkan ia menubruk Papanya dengan ciuman di bibir Papanya. Kotak merah jatuh dari tangan Hermanto ke lantai, kemudian tangan Hermanto yang sudah bebas itu langsung menjangkau bongkahan payudara Sinta. Bongkahan yang padat dan kenyal itu diremas-remas Hermanto dengan sepenuh napsu sampai tubuhnya bercucuran keringat, sedangkan bibirnya saling berpagut dengan bibir Sinta.

Mereka seperti tanpa beban, Hermanto sebagai seorang ayah kandung dari Sita atau Sita sebagai anak kandung dari Hermanto, tidak! Sita menggenggam penis Hermanto yang sekeras batu granit itu dan dikocoknya. Begitu juga Hermanto, puting payudara Sita diterkamnya bak seekor singa yang sedang kelaparan sehingga ketika puting itu disedot oleh Hermanto, gairah Sinta melejit naik ke awang-awang. Akibatnya jari Hermanto masuk mengocok lubang vaginanya, Sita sudah tidak mampu menolaknya.

Sinta sudah tidak peduli vaginanya mau diapapun oleh Hermanto. Hermanto menarik dekat vagina Sinta ke mulutnya, lalu vagina yang merekah basah itu dijilat oleh Hermanto. "Ohhh~~~~ Papah~~~ Papah~~~ Papahhhh~~~" jerit Sinta memecah kesunyian malam sambil tangannya mencakar rambut Hermanto, Sinta menggelinjang-gelinjang nikmat.

Lidah Hermanto semakin buas mempermainkan vagina Sinta. Lidah Hermanto meliuk-liuk di dalam lubang vagina Sinta. Sinta mendorong vaginanya supaya lidah Hermanto semakin terpendam, sehingga ketika rahimnya ditekan oleh lidah Hermanto, meledaklah orgasme Sinta.

Akhirnya, Sinta melepaskan lubang vaginanya dimasuki oleh penis Hermanto, penis ayah kandungnya sendiri. Hermanto memompa lubang vagina Sinta dengan irama yang cepat sambil disedotnya payudara Sinta sehingga payudara Sinta yang putih mulus itu, terkecuali puting dan arrolanya yang sudah berwarna coklat tua, terdapat bekas hisapan bibir Hermanto yang berwarna merah.

Hermanto mencapai kemenangan besar ketika ia berhasil menggelontorkan mesiu senjatanya di dalam vagina Sinta. Tembakan yang maha dahsyat itu membuat tubuh Sinta sampai kejang-kejang dan Sinta orgasme untuk yang kedua kalinya. "Papahhh~~~ Papahhh~~~ ohhh~~~ Pappahhh~~~" teriak Sinta merasa rahimnya berdenyut-denyut menghisap sperma Hermanto.

Hermanto dan Sinta resmi menjadi suami istri. Malam itu tempat tidur Miranda digantikan oleh Sinta. Miranda menjadi istri cadangan. Kalau air mani Hermanto tidak laku di vagina Sinta karena Sinta haid, baru dioper ke vagina atau anus Miranda.

Masih ingat dengan si engkoh pemilik toko perhiasan? Kini ia telah menjadi suami Sinta. Mereka sudah mempunyai 2 orang anak, tetapi Sinta tidak pernah meninggalkan Hermanto sepenuh. Kadang-kadang ia masih suka pulang ke rumahnya bersetubuh dengan Hermanto.

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bank of america credit card phone payment Bank of America credit card phone payment is one of the largest financial institutions in the United States, serving millions of customers across the country. One of the key services that Bank of America offers its credit card customers is the ability to make payments using their mobile device. In this article, we'll take a closer look at Bank of America credit card phone payment and discuss its benefits and features. Making a payment on your Bank of America credit card using your mobile device is a quick and easy process. There are two ways to do this: through the Bank of America mobile app, or by calling Bank of America's customer service line. Using the Bank of America mobile app to make a payment is simple. All you need to do is download the app from the App Store or Google Play, sign in using your Bank of America online banking credentials, and navigate to the credit card section of the app. From there, select the "Pay Bill" option and follow the prompts to complete your payment. If you prefer to make a payment by phone, you can call Bank of America's customer service line and follow the prompts to make a payment. You'll need to have your credit card number and personal identification number (PIN) on hand to complete the payment. One of the benefits of using Bank of America credit card phone payment is the convenience it offers. You can make a payment at any time, from anywhere, as long as you have your mobile device with you. This is especially useful if you're on the go and don't have access to a computer or a physical Bank of America branch. Another benefit of using the Bank of America mobile app to make a payment is the ability to view your credit card account information and transaction history in real-time. This means you can keep track of your spending and ensure that your payment is processed correctly. In addition to the convenience and real-time information offered by Bank of America credit card phone payment, the service is also secure. Bank of America uses advanced security measures to protect its customers' personal and financial information. This includes encryption, multi-factor authentication, and fraud monitoring. Bank of America also offers automatic payment options for customers who want to ensure their credit card payment is made on time each month. With this service, you can set up a recurring payment to be made on a specific date each month. This is a great option for customers who are busy or who may forget to make a payment on time. To set up automatic payments, simply log in to your Bank of America account and navigate to the credit card section of the app. From there, select the "AutoPay" option and follow the prompts to set up your payment preferences. In conclusion, Bank of America credit card phone payment is a convenient, secure, and easy way for customers to make payments towards their credit card account using their mobile device. Whether you prefer to use the Bank of America mobile app or call the customer service line, the process is quick and easy. Plus, with the ability to view your account information and set up automatic payments, Bank of America credit card phone payment is a great option for anyone looking to simplify their financial management. Using the Bank of America Mobile App The Bank of America mobile app is a convenient way to make payments on your credit card account from your mobile device. Here's how to do it: Download the Bank of America mobile app from the App Store or Google Play. Sign in to your account using your Bank of America online banking credentials. If you haven't enrolled in online banking yet, you can do so by following the prompts on the app. Once you're signed in, navigate to the credit card section of the app. This will allow you to view your credit card account information and make payments. Select the "Pay Bill" option and enter the amount you want to pay. Choose your payment method. You can use your Bank of America checking or savings account, or you can use another bank account or debit card to make a payment. Enter the payment details, such as the account and routing numbers or the debit card information, and follow the prompts to complete the payment. Using the Bank of America Customer Service Line If you prefer to make payments over the phone, you can call the Bank of America customer service line to make a payment on your credit card account. Here's how to do it: Dial the customer service line at 1-800-732-9194. Follow the prompts to navigate to the credit card section. Enter your credit card number and personal identification number (PIN). Select the "Make a Payment" option and enter the amount you want to pay. Choose your payment method, such as a bank account or debit card. Enter the payment details and follow the prompts to complete the payment. Automatic Payments If you want to make sure your payments are always made on time, you can set up automatic payments for your Bank of America credit card account. Here's how to do it: Log in to your Bank of America account on the mobile app or online. Navigate to the credit card section of the app or website. Select the "AutoPay" option. Choose your payment amount and the date you want the payment to be made each month. Enter your payment details, such as the account and routing numbers or the debit card information. Confirm your preferences and submit your request. Benefits of Bank of America Credit Card Phone Payments There are several benefits to using Bank of America credit card phone payments. One of the most significant benefits is convenience. You can make payments at any time, from anywhere, using your mobile device. This is especially useful if you're on the go and don't have access to a computer or a physical Bank of America branch. Another benefit is the ability to view your credit card account information and transaction history in real-time. This means you can keep track of your spending and ensure that your payment is processed correctly. Bank of America also offers automatic payment options for customers who want to ensure their credit card payment is made on time each month. With this service, you can set up a recurring payment to be made on a specific date each month. This is a great option for customers who are busy or who may forget to make a payment on time. In conclusion, Bank of America credit card phone payments are a convenient, secure, and easy way for customers to make payments towards their credit card account using their mobile device. Whether you prefer to use the Bank of America mobile app or